Tuesday, June 08, 2004 · posted at 2:09 AM
Ears closed shut.

I found the most heinous misspelling of the word "sporadic": sparatic. Fortunately, this guy redeems himself with a Creed-bashing entry (even if he does spell "monkeys" as "monkies"):
And the nation was saddened today by a great loss of former president ronald regan, who was 93. But out of such sorrow, something happened to make the Nation, and possibly the world rejoice, and shed tears of joy. That's right, the band Creed, has broken up.

Nick Woomer of The Michigan Daily asks:
Tell me Stappy, what are you soooo depressed about? What are the children supposed to be flying away from? Communists? Gay people? Your crazy Tammy-Faye Baker-wannabe mom? Jgermeister? (On the Creed "Behind the Music," drummer Scott Phillips described one of the band"s darkest phases as when they"d do a couple of shots of Jger before every show).

I wonder how many hits Google would find using the key words "Yay," "Creed," and "disbanded".

See also Karen's anti-Creed entry. Karen says that they have sold 24 million albums. How?! Here is a band that has a clearly faith-based name and songs with religious themes - yet I'm not even sure the Christians want him. They'll take R.J. Helton, out and proud (I think), but won't touch Creed with a 10-foot cross. The only explanation I can come up with is that 1) these are the same people who endorsed Spice Girls circa mid 1990's - you can't find them, but there's evidence of their existence, 2) they used the American Idol vote-counters or Florida chads to record album sales, 3) there are rich clueless parents out there buying sucky cds as party favors for their teenagers, or 4) there's some rip in the space-time continuum and we're experiencing one aspect of an alternate universe where bad is good and Adam Brody (Orlando you've been replaced!) lusts after pear-shaped Asian girls with a propensity to rant.

Dictionary.com defines creed as:
1. A formal statement of religious belief; a confession of faith.
2. A system of belief, principles, or opinions: laws banning discrimination on the basis of race or creed; an architectural creed that demanded simple lines.

Scene from My So-Called Life #13, "Pressure"
Angela : So, y - you and Kyle broke up? I mean, was there like, a reason?
Sharon : I guess -- I'd have to say -- it was my beliefs. I didn't feel -- like I should -- give up my beliefs. Even, even for Kyle.
Angela : [voiceover] So Sharon had beliefs. Sharon had decided to stay a virgin.
Angela : So how do you, like -- I mean, you just -- *told* him that you didn't -- wanna -- you know, like -- have, have, um, sex with him, no matter how much he was like expecting it?
Sharon : Oh, no. Oh, no, no. We -- we had sex. I'm saying I had a belief that he was being a butthead, which was true.

We all have our beliefs... mine being that the world is better off Creed-less. Rest easy tonight - ears everywhere will be safe, at least momentarily, from the mutilation that is Scott Stapp's gravelly voice and pretentious lyrics.
This started off as a very, very short post. I had planned to just put the two links to www.ralphin.blogspot.com and Karen, but that really just opened up the floodgates... And there's still so much more to say on this topic, but I'll let the other 239,000+ sites go off about it - Creed doesn't deserve any more of my attention.

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