Tuesday, January 17, 2006 · posted at 5:54 PM
Legano, ni legano...is gray area. At Gene's wedding this past weekend, there was a little Q&A session with the newlyweds and one of the questions was to the tune of: Did you two start dating each other or were you "hanging out"?

Today there exist many potential synonyms, or would it be euphemisms, for dating: seeing, hanging out, hooking up and my personal favorite "talking to." For the most part, I am anti-label in general. Regarding relationships... what is is and needn't be defined by a Webster dictionary but only by the person(s) experiencing it. Dating really is an "umbrella term" open to loose interpretation.

I'm actually just not a big fan of dating in general. It always seems like a lot of gameplaying and deception. You put your best foot forward so that you can "trick" the person into accepting your worst foot too. And who knows if what you're feeling is really genuine or just the effects of dopamine?

Dating is a waiting game - you are waiting until you find some fundamental and irreconcilable difference in the other person (or they in you).

When that does happen, then you have to have "the talk." Granted there are many talks - the "I'm not going to have sex with you" talk, the "Define the Relationship (DTR)" talk (or as my sister calls it, the "State of the Union" address), the "I found a DD bra in your room and I'm only an A" talk... In this instance, I mean the "Let's just be friends" talk (although for most people, when they use that phrase, it's a blow off and they really mean "Let's not see each other in that way... or any way really").

If you really do want to still be friends, as I often do, this talk is especially difficult. You have to stay in one's good graces while saying "hey I don't like like you, but I like you." There should always be a prepared statement. Always. The generic "I think you're an awesome person, ______. I really like how you ______, ______, and ______... but I don't think we're right for each other romantically" speech with the blanks filled in. If pressed for why, be a diplomat, be Switzerland, be a professor "clarifying" a test question by reiterating the question, be a government official Beating Around the Bush... do not by any means tell the truth (e.g. you're cheap, you're too insecure, your jokes are really not that funny).

The talk is something that must be practiced, rehearsed, maybe scrawled on the inside of your wrist like a cheatsheet. Executed start to finish in 3 minutes, because dallying will only lead to cracks in the dam of "things that are annoying in a potential boyfriend but mildly tolerable in a regular friend."

This is just too much work. And I'd rather avoid it altogether.

This is why I'm a big fan of "hanging out." Sure it's ambiguous, but then you get to test the water before plunging in full force. You get to know the person before committing, see quirks and eccentricities, feel out political views, eavesdrop on how he speaks to his mother... And should you not like what you see, calmly retract your toe from the water. No harm, no foul, and most importantly, no awkward talk.

Plus if he turns out to be a complete tool who only happens to be semi-attractive when viewed with beer goggles, you can easily deny ever thinking of him in that way because hey, there was no hand-holding involved. And in this day and age, isn't that the true test of the "are we or aren't we" debate?

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