Monday, April 24, 2006 · posted at 11:17 PM
the red carpet.

Justin's movie premiered tonight. No, not that Justin...

Karen's Justin - the "captivating" and oft shirtless Justin Lo! Justin (aka the cutie with the "soft as a cotton ball" hair) premiered his movie, The Conrad Boys at the Newport Beach Film Festival - befitting as how his film studios is Newport Productions.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend, due to pesky barriers such as 3000 miles, 12 states and a slew of upcoming finals, but Karen went and confirmed that Zit scene 1: the party and Zit scene 2: the diner made their glaringly un-digitally altered debuts. My poor complexion Memorexed for nanoseconds FOR-EV-ER. Whee.

The movie is about a college student, Charlie (that's Justin!), who decides to raise his little brother (Boo Boo Stewart) after the sudden death of their mother. He struggles with his role in the family and his desire to be young and free, especially after meeting charismatic drifter Jordan (swoon). Ultimately, Charlie must make a choice.

Ani? Ani, is that you?
Lucky for him, Boo Boo Stewart is so cute, he can probably grow up with the name Boo Boo relatively unscathed.

The trailer is available at You Tube, the website responsible for a complete drainage of my time. Justin's trailer has already received a large number of hits unaccountable by family and friends (and friends of friends) which makes me think if you want someone to see something, just tag it with homoerotic phrases such as "boys kissing" and "shirtless males." Perhaps I'll test this hypothesis on my Ghost towned Flickr site.

Justin has a movie. Jon has a book (with Eskimos and pink splashes, just the way he always dreamed!). Joy has her wedding registry business... Knowing such productive people makes me (1) want to find less motivated friends who make me feel better about my unambitious self and (2) change my name to a J-name because surely the key to success lies in the 10th letter of the alphabet.


Goosebumps anyone? And imagine it with sad music in the background...

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