Tuesday, July 13, 2004 · posted at 9:00 PM
Child's play. I’m not sure I quite understand the logic behind piñatas. Piñatas (for anyone who has never been to a child's birthday party) are papier mache sculptures that come in all sizes, shapes and forms. They're filled with candies, toys, and other fun things - contrary to my mom's initial belief. The object of the game is to have blindfolded kids hit the piñata until it breaks and the contents spill out.

There are multiple problems I have with this, starting with safety hazards:
  1. You have a kid running around with a baseball bat or stick
  2. The kid with the makeshift weapon can’t see where he’s swinging that thing!
  3. A piñata is made of paper and wire, but all I see is a mass of lacerations and tetanus shots.
Additional issues include:
  1. Level of difficulty. It’s hard to break a piñata! An adult usually needs to deliver the final blow, or “soften” it up before the kids have at it.
  2. Personal grudge. I never could hit the damned thing.
But the main problem I have is that piñatas are usually for birthday parties. Birthday parties are usually themed to whatever hypertrend kids are into – Pokemon, Power Rangers, Blue’s Clues, Lion King, etc. This means you have a piñata in the form of whatever character the kid absolutely loves. Aside from the trauma of seeing someone “stuffing,” say, a Nemo piñata via strategically placed holes, now the child is expected to bash Nemo’s head open? And out of this violent act the children are rewarded with candy and fun things?

Shouldn’t these things be designed either neutral or something the child doesn’t like, like the evil villain or Brussels sprouts or something?

Something’s not right with this picture.

On the same note, I don’t understand why some hackey sacks are designed with happy faces or popular characters or inspirational messages.

Jesus loves you. WHACK!

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