Saturday, April 10, 2004 · posted at 1:02 PM
On animals, men, and evolution.

“and nowhere in the animal kingdom does the "little guy" ever win out. females don't pick out the little squirty male lion just because he's "nice and has personality." they want a kick ass mane and an effective, yet freshly minty, roar.”

Actually, according to the handicap hypothesis, the "little guy" does win out sometimes. This hypothesis maintains that females are attracted to glaring abnormalities because there is a belief that to have survived for so long with such a handicap (such as bright plumage or extraordinarily long and nonfunctional tail feathers) that organism must have superior genes that allow it to survive, even with that increased risk (think running faster or being smarter in order to outlast the predator) . I think there are even birds that pick mates with parasites because the idea that they have superior anti-parasite DNA that will enable their progeny to live longer and be more successful.

There also exists the "sexy son hypothesis" which says that females choose traits they know are attractive to other females, thus trying to make their son "sexy" to others as well.

What does this all mean? There exists hope. Ladies, fellas, look at your most hated attribute: beer gut, thinning hair, too much hair, height, weight, beak of a nose, flat chest, oversized rack, anything and everything… and tell yourself that you are the product of years of evolution, you are primed by the “handicap hypothesis,” and that your survival today is due to compensation of all your other extraordinary attributes (even be it coping skills to deal with beer gut, thinning hair, too much hair, height, weight, beak of a nose, flat chest, oversized rack, anything and everything…).

And guys? Look at your mom, look at your dad... your mom thought that your dad’s genes would contribute to your reproductive success. Hey, Mother’s Day is coming up... and she did it all for you, son.

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