Friday, June 18, 2004
· posted at 5:10 PM
Lobster for all. One of the most important lessons to learn in life is that just as people come with all different shapes, sizes and quirks... there exist people who like all different shapes, sizes and quirks. There are people who like thin thighs, chunky thighs, freckles, back hair, gold jewelry, Cheetos with milk, steak well done, steak tartar, blonde hair, brown hair, Star Trek, The Swan, going out every night, staying in all the time, toe-tag white complexions, dark tans... the list goes on and on.
With the advent of the internet, it becomes easier to find people who share similar interests. There's a fan site for everything from Beanie Babies to Furries.
So for anyone who bemoans their stubby fingers, eclectic taste in music, or even secret love for Philip Seymour Hoffman, somewhere, even if in the far Arctic corners, there is someone who adores your traits... even the defect that compels one to wear socks and sandals.