Wednesday, August 11, 2004 · posted at 2:09 AM
One in a trillion.
… if everyone in the world was tossing coins eventually someone would get 5,698 heads in a row and they would think they were very special. But they wouldn’t be because there would be millions of people who didn’t get 5,698 heads.

      - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, Mark Haddon

I've taken two statistics classes, run a handful of my own research projects and sat in (cluelessly) on countless meetings to discuss p values, confidence intervals and survival analyses. I can tell you what a Type I error is (rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true) and a Type II error is (accepting the null hypothesis when it is false) but I remember the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test only as the "Vodka Test." Give me a bunch of numbers and probabilities and I will have no clue what they mean or what to do with them.

But the main thing holding me back from being a grand statistician (besides about half a pound of grey matter) is the lack of objective logical-mindedness. I can’t detach myself and look at only numbers.

In statistics, you're not supposed to get excited about an event unless it's "statistically significant," meaning that's it's not what you would expect from chance.

If you won the lottery tomorrow, would you think, "Someone had to win it and I had a 1 in 1,533,939 chance of doing so." Or would you think, "Hot damn, I’m never washing this pair of underwear again!"

So if something really unlikely happened – like, your Gucci heel happened to get caught in a manhole cover and a cab driver drops his ice cream and sideswipes a dumpster that starts careening straight for you… Can you really just write off that it's completely without higher meaning or significance? That this kind of thing happens 1 of 1,370,000 occurrences, or 9,500,000,000 occurrences, or 100^100 occurrences... and you just happen to be the 1?

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