Saturday, July 31, 2004 · posted at 11:38 AM
You brought it upon yourself' It's come to my attention that I will probably be writing about Big Brother 5 a lot this summer. The only standing appointments in my makeshift Palm Pilot are Tuesdays at 9, Thursdays at 8, and Saturdays at 9. Everything else revolves around those 3 hours.

Nothing elevates my blood pressure more than bully Jase making Adria bawl, or bully Jase making Will bawl, or bully Jase making Drew bawl. Do you sense the trend here? Jase is the guy you walk tiptoes around because you fear pissing him off. Jase is the guy that you have no loyalty to, but would end up sacrificing your friend’s wellbeing for because standing up to him seems too daunting a task and the short term wrath you'd encounter is a powerful enough punishment to avoid that behavior (negative reinforcement). Jase is the reason you ask, "Who's going?" before giving a commitment to any social event.

Gawd, I hate that guy and everything he represents.

Scott, despite his compulsive lying ("I have a black Escalade," "I make $750,000 a year as a professional football player. "I have a trading card." "It's my birthday"), is probably decent by himself, but feeds off an evil incarnate like Jase.

The line, "you will spend your lives trying to figure out how to put others down because it makes you feel more important," never applied more than now.

Part of me wavers at being so hateful. Yes there was the whole "I hate Jen" thing back in high school (although she later ended up being my favorite character on Dawson’s Creek) and the "We hate Lauren" club when she became pregnant with Ben's baby. But it seemed more benign because they were all characters on shows - not real people.

But are the people on reality shows really real? With a little creative editing and casting, you can have a blow job in the woods, a bachelor looking for true love, and a high school reunion for people from different classes.

Maybe Jase is only an ass 1% of the time' but that 1% is the only "Jase" we know. Do I feel badly about talking so much crap about a guy I don’t even know? I don't, because anyone who applies up for a reality show knows 1)You will be taped 24/7 and 2)You have no control over editing and hell yeah the producers are going to edit themselves some good ratings.

Basically, if you go on a reality show and come out of it looking like a total Schmoe, don't look here for sympathy. You lost mine the minute you signed your name on the dotted line.

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